

Edu Play Book


This app takes children on an educative adventure. It consists of: educative mini-games, an educative report where parents can track the learning curve of their children, an interactive bedtime story and more than 100 audio stories in 10 different languages with even more to come.

My roles in the creation of this app were: iOS porting, IAP’s, deeplinking into the app, optimizing graphic assets for mobile, building native Unity plugins for iOS and Android and more.

Zwijsen audio-book apps

For the publishing house Zwijsen, I worked as freelancer to create 6 audio-book apps for their newly released classics collection. I made the apps from start to finish.

The most challenging part of this app was optimizing the audio player i built, it loads the audiofiles to memory when the play button is pressed and preloads the next track, this way the playing of every track is smooth and quick. With Vuforia users can scan the QR-codes inside of the books to be allowed access to the full audio-book, if you don’t own the book yet you’ll get access to a preview of the book instead.

The apps I made for Zwijsen have over 4000 installs

DTT AR sales demo


To give developers and potential clients an idea of the possibilities of AR, i created a sales demo app. Each example highlights a specific feature and acts as a tutorial for developers and users on how to use it. The purpose of this app is as inspiration to clients of DTT for potential new AR projects. It has been used successfully in dozens of DTT meetings already.

Pirates & privateers


This is an app wherein users can compete against each other in multiplayer mode either face to face or on a distance. They play on an AR water playground which activates when the phone camera is aimed at a marker. Aside from battling against opponent, the user has to strategically deal with the crew on the ship during the game. I made an updated version of this app that implements native AR instead of Vuforia.

Fly me to the Stars


In Fly Me To The Stars you have the ability to explore the galaxy in Virtual Reality. The adventure begins on earth, the exact location will be determined by GPS location. Go for a walk across the globe or travel through space. Your goal is to create as many constellations as possible by joining stars together. Doing this will unlock new planets and constellations.

My roles in the creation of this app were: porting the app to iOS, programming the planet surface generation, programming the constellation line-drawing logic, building and animating all the UI, making the panorama rendering of the night sky and more.

AR children books

For publishing house Zwijsen, i created 7 augmented reality applications to enhance their children’s books.

I took care of every aspect: UI, game logic, audio design, animation and publishing the app to the playstore and appstore.




This app is based on a web-game I used to play called Phage Wars, this seemed like the perfect project to move to AR. It’s a work in progress with plans for AI opponents, a campaign with levels, co-op, power ups and cosmetics as in app purchases.



This is a passion project of mine, I wanted to create something useful combined with my interests. In this app people can learn about space using AR, place the solar system in your room and walk up to a planet, it shows you basic info about the planet you’re looking at. If you want you can then land on the planet’s surface and learn more about it.

LED table

Alklima is a re-seller of Mitsubishi climate installations. The company builds installations that are fully electric and wanted to promote this on a convention. I got the job of building an installation that lights op a scale model of a city with led-strips. Along with this, the floor will light up, sending a stripe of light to from the table. This project was not successful, in the end the hardware was not fully compatible and the deadline was too short, still i learned a lot from it.

DDI AR and VR application


The province of Utrecht wanted to visualise a new intersection they’re planning to build, a diverging diamond interchange.

We decided on making an app that combines AR with VR, while in AR you’re able to select a viewpoint to view in VR. This way you can switch from an overview of the highway to a one on one perspective.

The app is build for android and IOS, links will follow.

Mosa AR tile viewer


A tile company called Mosa wanted to attract visitors at a convention with AR. I created an app for the iPad that allows users to choose a tile and when scanning a marker on the wall, it projects a portal to a room where these tiles are used.

Letink VR demo


Letink Design is a design agency that creates 3D visualisations and VR applications. Clients are mainly construction and technology firms around the area of Twente and the Netherlands. The VR apps that Letink Design develops are high in quality and professionally made, however, when a potential customer is introduced to VR it is difficult for Letink Design to give an impression of what they can offer said costumer. Usually, the customer is shown the latest app made, these do not always fit the needs of the specific customer. The solution to this problem is to create a VR application that shows all the functionality Letink Design can offer. I got the oppurtunity to build this app.


Aryzon model viewer


For a couple of months working at Aryzon gave me the opportunity to experiment with AR interaction and computer vision. The aryzon goggles use your smartphone to project your phone-screen to a semi-transparent glass in front of your eyes. By using your smartphone camera it can recognize its surroundings and place an image on your phone relative to your surroundings in real space.

Photon welcome home app


In this assignment I built an app around the particle photon, I wanted to learn a new programming language and after some research figured I should learn C++.  I took a C++ course online and made a simple app that can register when i’m home and turns off my crypto-currency miner, when I leave the house it turns on my miner so I don’t forget to. Also the app shows a notification on my phone showing my planning and records my time of arrival in google calendar.

Cardboard VR applications


Working at Letink Design, I made VR applications using a VR framework to load content into. This framework is made by Letink and supports 360 photos, videos and stereo content. All the data is serialized into JSON data, this way we can modify the content and structure of the app after releasing it in the app or play store. Screenshots are from an app I made for a tiling company.

Ship a gogo


While in Oulu, I took part in a hackathon. This hackathon was organised by Rohm semiconductor, a company that builds sensors. The goal of this hackathon was to make a creative use of the sensors. I chose a group and we created a prototype called Ship a Gogo. It’s a game for waiting rooms where people can pick up a cardboard boat on the table and turn rotate it to sail down a river. It was very succesfull, we won first place and a 1000 euro price money

Blind as a Bat


While in Finland, I took part in a game jam. The theme was waves so me and my team chose to make a game around sound waves or sonar. In this game, you play as a bat and have to use sonar to locate the environment and your enemies.

Land of the Midnight Sun


Land of the Midnight Sun is a 3rd person story driven adventure game that features a story tied to Sami mythology. The player takes control of the owl to guide the girl character through a set of levels and has to overcome the dangers of the harsh wilderness. A game without text or dialogue, Land of the Midnight Sun will tell its story through audio, visuals and gameplay as to engage the player emotionally and set a mysterious atmosphere that makes you curious to explore the world. In this project, I focused on making my code scalable, learning how to work with animations, optimising the game for better performance, sound integration using FMOD and taking the role of team leader. overall this project was very successful, we won first place 3 out of 3 times.


Eyereader 4D


During my studies, I got the assignment to make an interactive installation for the library of Enschede, the eyereader4d, a “4d” reading experience. I did this in a team of 6, me taking on the technical side of the project. The installation works using an eye tracker to send data to unity about where the user is looking. On screen there are pages of a book (from the library) scrolling up, when the user looks at a word I marked in unity it sends a message to Arduino to turn on a device like a fan(to simulate blowing wind), led lights(thunder/lamp/etc..), vibration plate(earthquakes/gunshots), heater(fire), water vapour dispenser(rain).



Another school project: a company called Submarine channel opened a competition to tell a story in a game using the assets they provided. we participated with a team of 8 students and spent 4 weeks building this prototype. The game is a form of Cluedo/Clue that tells a story about a captain being thrown overboard, you have to interrogate the suspects to find the culprit. We made this game a trans-media experience by including social media into the game-play.

Red riding hood interactive story


As a school assignment I wrote and visualised a story around the tale of red riding hood. I built a simple game where you can scroll through the story, I made this using Unity3D and the drawings with watercolor.

Virtual Rijksmuseum


In the virtual Rijksmuseum, you can see paintings of the Rijksmuseum(museum of art in Amsterdam) in a virtual environment. The Rijksmuseum has a lot of paintings available on their website and these I load into Unity using an API provided by the museum.

During my internship at Letink Design, I rebuilt this as a VR Android app, this because the museum has a large collection of stereo photos that you can easily view in VR.

Project Bloom


This project was aimed at helping the elderly combat loneliness. We made a concept based on the idea of city gardens, it is a table in an elderly home that offers elderly a change to maintain their own little garden. We looked at the viability of the concept, marketing and technical challenges, the concept however never was put into reality. Still I learned a lot about teamwork and strategy from this project.