In short

XR developer | Unity3D programmer

I’m a game developer from the beautiful city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. I have some 6 years of work experience in various positions and work on many side projects. My passion for connecting the virtual with the physical and exploring what technology is capable of have been the driving forces behind my work and I enjoy every opportunity to show a new perspective to others through my creations.

I’m a certified Unity programmer as of december 2018.

Adobe software
Web development
iOS development


In college, I focused on: game design, programming, and animation. In group projects, I took on technical tasks while individually I focused on creative projects. In 2017 I went to Finland to follow a minor of game design and programming at Oulu Gamelab. I completed my studies at DTT in Amsterdam, here I focused on augmented reality, building a framework that combines ARKit and ARCore.

High School

Learned to write and speak English fluently, gained a basic understanding of computers, animation and webdesign and spent time being creative with painting, dancing, singing and playing guitar.

Wonderment by Design

My role at Wonderment is as an XR developer. Creating new AR location based frameworks, designing and building AR projects for clients like Niantic, Defensie and Pokemon. While working here i’m constantly looking for new technologies to integrate into our projects such as ML image detection, Geospatial API and generative AI.


While at Popcore i’ve worked on titles such as Parking Jam, Folding Blocks, Sandwich and Wrecking Ball and released over 10 new games as a developer. Working on hyper-casual games has taught me to get the basics right myself, engage players from the word go and to kill my darlings when they don’t show promise. Each project was built using Entitas, an ECS system that has made me rethink performance and code structure the more i’ve gotten to know it.

DTT Multimedia

I’ve been employed as a developer at DTT in Amsterdam. I got started as an intern, building a framework for cross-platform multiplayer AR applications and helping out on other projects like OSR and building apps to iOS and publishing them on the appstore. I worked my way to a sub-lead programmer of the Unity division of the company, also taking care of hiring new interns and employees and managing the workflow in the team.


I’ve been a freelancer at Zwijsen, a publisher of children’s books. Here I built AR applications that augment the experience of reading books for children.

Letink Design

I started my programming career at Letink as an intern and working on school assignments with the company. After that i got hired as a VR developer and have learned about programming and finding my place in a professional working environment from working here.


In 2017 I worked on a couple of projects at Aryzon. Here I learned to make AR applications and work together in a start up company.


In my off-time i’m usually watching documentaries and reading about European and world history. I’m figuring out my own identity and place in the world which requires knowing about it first. In my work this helps me empathise with people and colleagues from all around the world


As a vegan I needed to learn how to cook for myself. After a while I’ve started to enjoy cooking and baking new dishes for myself and others almost every day.


As a christian i should be able to understand and explain my worldview so i can be more self-assured and carry this love out to the world. I enjoy bible studies and talking with experts on the subject.


I enjoy looking for diverse music and artists and going to concerts and festivals. I’ve been singing in a choir for years, played in musicals and enjoy playing guitar.

  • Hard-working and determined: If something piques my interest, I’m very dedicated to my work, putting in long hours and effort to see an idea through.
  • Independent: I’m able to stay calm and detached from sometimes emotionally charged conflicts, taking a breather and assessing problems from a distance.
  • Open-minded: I’m as open as I can be to new ideas, supported by logic, especially if they prove my previous conceptions wrong.
  • Jack-of-all-trades: Open-mindedness, independence and confidence make me capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
  • Imaginative: Curious and always up for an intellectual challenge, I can see things from many perspectives.


Creating immersive experiences and sharing them with others has been one of my greatest joys in working with technology.
I’ve built VR applications for the Oculus/Vive and mobile (Android/iOS).
I also spent time researching improvements for user interaction in a VR environment.


AR is one of my greatest passions, it has lots of potential uses I’ve been excitedly exploring the past couple of years.
I’ve developed AR applications in Unity with Vuforia, ARCore and ARKit and researched UX for AR and cross-platorm compatibility.


As an avid gamer, creating my own games for a living has been a dream come true.
I’ve been a game designer and programmer in group projects, built games on my own during my spare time and enjoy partaking in game jams and hackathons.


I’ve always been intrigued by electronics and machines, getting familiar with the basics of this has been very rewarding.
During my studies and professional projects, I spent time soldering and programming Arduino boards in Java and C++ to make interactive installations.

I make