Interactive installations


Niantic Viewfinder

The idea of the AR viewfinder is based on binoculars that you can put a coin in on lookout points. In this version however the device is able to add AR elements into the scene. Think of interesting information about your surroundings, digital environment overlays, minigames and photo activations.

We’ve used this hardware at a lot of events like Pokemon Go festivals, Cannes Lions, SXSW, ITW, NBA and at Niantic offices. Every time a dedicated “lens” is created that makes sense in augmenting the specific environment it is located in, be it in a park or overlooking the San Fransisco bay.


LED table


Alklima is a reseller of Mitsubishi climate installations. The company builds installations that are fully electric and wanted to promote this on a convention. I got the job of building an installation that lights op a scale model of a city with led-strips. Along with this, the floor will light up, sending a stripe of light to from the table. This project was not succesfull, in the end the hardware was not fully compatible and the deadline was too short, still i learned a lot from it.


Photon welcome home app


In this assignment I built an app around the particle photon, I wanted to learn a new programming language and after some research figured I should learn C++.  I took a C++ course online and made a simple app that can register when i’m home and turns off my crypto-currency miner, when I leave the house it turns on my miner so I don’t forget to. Also the app shows a notification on my phone showing my planning and records my time of arrival in google calendar.


Eyereader 4D


During my studies, I got the assignment to make an interactive installation for the library of Enschede, the eyereader4d, a “4d” reading experience. I did this in a team of 6, me taking on the technical side of the project. The installation works using an eye tracker to send data to unity about where the user is looking. On screen there are pages of a book (from the library) scrolling up, when the user looks at a word I marked in unity it sends a message to Arduino to turn on a device like a fan(to simulate blowing wind), led lights(thunder/lamp/etc..), vibration plate(earthquakes/gunshots), heater(fire), water vapour dispenser(rain).

Red riding hood interactive story


As a school assignment I wrote and visualised a story around the tale of red riding hood. I built a simple game where you can scroll through the story, I made this using Unity3D and the drawings with watercolor.

Project Bloom

This project was aimed at helping the elderly combat loneliness. We made a concept based on the idea of city gardens, it is a table in an elderly home that offers elderly a change to maintain their own little garden. We looked at the viability of the concept, marketing and technical challenges, the concept however never was put into reality. Still I learned a lot about teamwork and strategy from this project.


Horizon useless machine.

This was my first robotics project. I built a useless machine: a box with a button wich turns itself off after you flip the switch. My machine has a sci-fi look, is made from wood that i printed in a laserprinter and is programmed with processing and arduino software.